Develop, Design and Conduct Successful HSEEP Compliant Exercises
From the first planning meeting through to exercise conduct, Robin Lindsay, as a FEMA certified Master Exercise Practitioner (MEP), has the tools and experience to provide your organization with the guidance that results in a programmatic approach to the design and then conduct of exercises that achieve organizational readiness and meet all Department of Homeland Security exercise requirements.

Table Top/Discussion Exercises
Utilizing the HSEEP “stair-step” approach, all exercise programs begin with the assembly of the appropriate and necessary participants and identification of the “core capabilities” that are to be tested in a workshop setting. These discussions often take the next “step” in the form of smaller table-top discussions that reveal the organizational knowledge, needs and gaps that will determine the direction and scope of the exercise program. Robin can create, facilitate and moderate customized small-scale exercises for any organization or agency, regardless of size and preparedness level.

Functional Exercises
Functional Exercises are an “advanced step” in the HSEEP program that allows organizational “disaster role players” the opportunity within a limited or internal environment to test existing plans and procedures as well as their own disaster “skill sets”. This allows to further identify preparedness gaps and the need for organizational improvement planning. Robin is experienced at leading these types of exercises from the Initial Planning process through to an exercise After-Action Report.