Emergency Management is an ever-changing Public Safety field. Federal, State and Local training requirements must be met if a jurisdiction or agency is depending on Emergency Management Grant Funding (EMPG) or Homeland Security Grant Program Funds (HSGP). Regardless, training should be customized for both the audience and the disaster roles each participant is responsible to fill in order for emergency response to be effective. Robin Lindsay is an experienced trainer, providing instruction at all levels, from Elected Officials and Policy Groups, to State and Local Emergency Managers and non-profit organizations. In addition, Robin has developed emergency management training curriculum for San Bernardino County Fire, California Standardized Training Institute (CSTI) and in partnership with Intermedix Corporation, WebEOC Disaster Communications training.

Available Training topics and customizable deliveries include but are not limited to:

Emergency Operations Center Action Planning/Section Specific Training

FEMA Compliant National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) Training

Incident Command System (ICS) Training – For Effective Operations of All Incidents/Organizations

Customized: WebEOC/Situational Awareness & Common Operating Picture Training